Hotline Hotline from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pmTechnical assistance with remote control (problem solving, faulty settings, driver updates, etc.)
Assistance - Intervention Problem resolution Parameterization error Driver update, etc. Handling of a peripheral (configuration and start-up, advice)
Formation Assistance from the beginning to the total control of the equipment (assistance with configuration, start-up, etc.) Personalised advice Software training at user and administrator level
Project Support Analysis of needs Study, advice and optimization Exchange and coordination with the various technical stakeholders Assistance and follow-up of the deployment
Hardware Maintenance Double exchange on site of defective peripherals Workshop repair of peripherals In addition: spare parts, motherboards and print heads not covered by the manufacturer's warranty One annual visit Hotline from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
Software Maintenance Provision of minor and major software updates Access to the download site The expression and follow-up of requests via the customer area The transmission of information on the evolutions brought to the maintained software Hotline from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
Expertise - Reparation Verification of the software (firmware) Mechanical check Print head check Motherboard check Power supply check Cleaning Extra part Intervention on site
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